
濱州恒泰化纖制品有限公司主要生產(chǎn)和銷售丙綸高強(qiáng)絲,丙綸加捻網(wǎng)絡(luò)絲,聚丙烯抗裂纖維,聚丙烯工程纖維,聚丙烯腈工程纖維,聚酯工程纖維,建筑安全網(wǎng),安全防護(hù)網(wǎng),遮陽防塵安全網(wǎng),高空全身安全帶,新型歐式安全帶,高空作業(yè)清洗安全繩,三股化纖繩 濱州恒泰化纖制品有限公司主要生產(chǎn)和銷售丙綸高強(qiáng)絲,丙綸加捻網(wǎng)絡(luò)絲,聚丙烯抗裂纖維,聚丙烯工程纖維,聚丙烯腈工程纖維,聚酯工程纖維,建筑安全網(wǎng),安全防護(hù)網(wǎng),遮陽防塵安全網(wǎng),高空全身安全帶,新型歐式安全帶,高空作業(yè)清洗安全繩,三股化纖繩
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PP twisted yarn >> Polypropylene yarn  




Polypropylene yarn specifications :600-2000D, the color can be tailored to customer requirements.

Polypropylene yarn Benefits: polypropylene yarn because of its low price, high strength, anti-aging, wear, and sea water corrosion resistance, good elasticity characteristics, polypropylene yarn is mainly used in sewing bags, soccer, volleyball, baseball, yo-yo with a line with wire rope, nets with line, line of shoes material, luggage lines, polypropylene yarn can also be user cloth, such as polypropylene filament woven geotextile, for highways, railways, airports, dikes, canals, reservoirs, harbors and bridges and other projects, unnavigable without building the cofferdam, to fight the dam drainage and speed, high efficiency, investment, quality, etc., especially in the case of large load bearing, woven geotextile non-woven The geotextiles more unique.

Polypropylene yarn: anti-aging, acid, light weight, abrasion resistance, low thermal conductivity, water resistant to corrosion, no moisture absorption and other advantages.

Binzhou Hengtai Chemical Fiber Products Co., Ltd. Professional production: high-strength polypropylene filament, high-strength polypropylene yarn, polypropylene filament, polypropylene line, construction safety nets, covers and protective net, polypropylene fiber, cracking fiber, fiber works, safety rope, safety belt .

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Address:Shandong Huimin Li Town, Post Office south rope course Big World Tel:86-543-5838188 Email:sdhengtaihuaxian@163.com
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